Welcome to Chatham Heights Baptist Church
Loving God, Loving Our Neighbors, Loving Ourselves
Loving God, Loving Our Neighbors, Loving Ourselves
* Our 9:30 AM Worship service meets in the Sanctuary near the front of Church Grounds. You may enter through the front doors at the top of the steps, or through the door at the end of the ramp on the right hand side of the building. (Wheel Chair Accessible Entrance)
* Our 9:30 AM Service is blended / Liturgical in style with organ, piano, guitar, soloists and choir leading the singing. We will project lyrics & scriptures but also have Hymnals, Bibles in the pews and Bulletins at each entrance with the order of worship and responsive prayers for the day.
* We share Communion on the first Sunday of each month in our worship time. We invite all who are Baptized into Christ to take part.
* Rest Room Facilities are on the main level of the Education building and in the hallway at the far end of the Sunday School room beneath the Sanctuary.
Dr. Mike Hatfield: “What Is Truly Your Foundation?” | Scriptures: Hebrews 10: 11-14 , 19-25 & Mark 13: 1-8| Music: Cornerstone, The Solid Rock, How Firm a Foundation, Doxology, We Believe, The Church’s One Foundation| Musicians – Rob Bailey: Organ, Piano| Sanctuary Choir – Vocals | Kevin Lewis - Vocals | Mike Hatfield: Guitar| Mike Dehart: Guitar |Livestream: Zach Ronspees | Projection, & Graphics: Jim Keene | Sound: Charles Lewis | May Not Be Rebroadcast Without Permission
1235 Chatham Heights Road, Martinsville, Virginia 24112, United States
Open today | 09:00 am – 05:00 pm |
Chatham Heights is a moderate Baptist Church.
We are located at 1235 Chatham Heights Road, Martinsville, VA 24112.
We meet for Worship at 9:30 am on Sunday mornings
with bible study for all ages following at 10:45 am
Our Pastor is Dr. Mike Hatfield,
Our Associate Ministers are Rev. David Cameron (Music) & Caroline Taminger (Families)
We would love to have you as a part of our family here at CHBC. If you want to get involved or have questions about any of our ministries here, please call us at the church office (276-632-5843), send us an email, or Facebook message.
Whether you help through monetary donations, volunteering your time, or spreading our mission through word-of-mouth, thank you. We couldn't accomplish our goals without the help of supporters like you.
Pastor’s Bio
Dr. Hatfield has been the Pastor of CHBC since 2000. Both he and his wife, Susan, hail from Danville, Kentucky. They have 2 children: Sean and Sarah.
Mike graduated from Eastern Kentucky University in 1985 with his BA and received both his MDiv and Doctorate from Southern Seminary in Louisville.
He has been pastor of four churches in his ministry:
New Hope Baptist Church, Stanford, KY. 1985-1987
Shakertown Baptist Church, Harrodsburg, KY. 1987-1991
North Pamunkey Baptist Church, Orange, VA. 1991-2000
Chatham Heights Baptist Church,
Martinsville VA. 2000 – Present
Mike and Susan are passionate University of Kentucky fans (some would say arrogant 😊). Dr. Mike has played guitar in our Praise Band at CHBC since its inception in 2003. (Some say it is his excuse to buy new guitars. 😉)
“Chatham Heights has been a second family to me and mine, not unlike they have been to so many in our Church. God has blessed our union as Pastor and People to strive towards a Kingdom Vision of our community and our world. I am excited to see what the future holds for us here in Martinsville.” - Dr. Mike Hatfield
We are dedicated to improving the lives of those in our community. Your contribution today helps us make a difference.
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